The company ´s origin dates back to 1934. Then the BATA company founded the business in Svit. The company ´s transportation department was a part of the company which has became a Transportation department of the state enterprise Chemosvit. This department was in charge of safeguarding personal car transportation, freight haulage and railroad transport.
- Establishment of Chedos, s.r.o. dated August 30th, 1993
- Quality Management System ISO 9002 was granted to Chedos, s.r.o. on March 18th, 1998. Chedos, s.r.o. was the first Slovak transportation company to obtain the Certificate
- July 1st, 2006 transformation into a joint stock company
- September 1st, 2012 transformation into the CHEMOSVIT CHEDOS, Ltd.